Rollsizing? You should be.

When I had first seen this piece of equipment, I knew there must be a purpose for it. I did some extensive research before we bought our commercial unit out of Australia, but I can say that it is worth more than every penny we spent on it. The Commercial Rollsizer requires a robust case feeder to keep up with its massive output, but it’s one of those pieces in my shop that I will absolutely call ‘reliable’. Gone are the days of trying to squeeze cases through undersized dies or putting far too much pressure on shell plates to size as much of the case as possible, the Rollsizer makes it easy to hit exact standards for accuracy and performance. The Rollsizer doesn't just add to processing; it removes the bulge near the rim of the case, resizing the bottom to SAAMI specifications. This critical feature addresses variations in blowout caused by individual firearm chambers, enhancing feeding reliability post-resizing. It’s a critical step that all of our brass goes through before it gets to you! You can find them here


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